#Eat That Frog With A Pomodoro

Ahsas Ali
3 min readAug 22, 2020


Hey! Let’s meet Ahsas. She is a hardworking girl who loves to do creative and innovative things. She is good with presentation and guidelines as well. But here is the problem which keeps bothering her and that problem is procrastination. She is terrible with deadlines and cannot manage her time to focus on the tasks. She plans her schedule and puts a mark on every task but still cannot control her time — this problem level down her credibility.

To tackle down her problem, we suggested she try the Pomodoro Technique and asked her to share the experience. But before that, let’s find what that strategy is.

What is the “Pomodoro Technique”?

The “Pomodoro Technique” is one of the best techniques to kill the habit of procrastination and focus on your tasks avoiding distractions. It was discovered in the 1990s by the author “Francesco Cirillo.” He named it after the tomato-shaped timer he used to track his time as a student.

If you find getting things done hard, like paying bills, manage a messed drawer or cupboard, etc. This method is a super time-manager that helps to kill the distractions and put all focus on the task.

The strategy is simple. When trying to do something hard, break down the task into 25 minutes intervals spaced with short breaks. It trains your mind to focus on a short period and keep track of deadlines.

How does it work?

All you need to have with you is a timer you can easily access through your smartphone and PCs. Here is how to get started with the Pomodoro.

  • Choose the task to be done.
  • Start the timer of 25 minutes.
  • Complete the task until the Pomodoro(timer) rings
  • Take a short break of 3–5 minutes
  • Repeat the process
  • Take a more extended break after four pomodoros.

So this was the strategy we shared with Ahsas and now, let’s ask her how she used it, did she find it difficult or easy, how did it help her manage her time and complete tasks?

Ahsas’s POV:

I had to prepare for my entrance test, work on my proposal, complete project work, and online courses. All the tasks were haunting me even in my sleep; then, I got to know about the “Pomodoro Technique” to manage my time. I tried it and got surprising and unexpected results.

At the very first, I tried it in preparation. For the test, I had to revise 300+ MCQs. I set the timer and started to study. It helped me to focus on the task. There were few distractions that I usually face like messages, Instagram notifications, and distraction from a family member, but I ignored the distractions until the timer rang. As a result, I was able to go through all the questions in four pomodoros.

I got from the first experience with the satisfaction of the result; I used the same strategies to complete my PW and courses as well. I worked in short sprints and accomplished a lot. I also got short breaks enough to grab a cup of coffee that bolster my creativity. I intend to use this method daily in the future. Maybe, with this technique, I can improve my heed and attention span.

